Friday, September 27, 2024

09/24 to 10/01 Fishermens Memorial State Park, RI

09/24 to 10/01

Fishermens Memorial

State Park


Rhode Island  

Not wanting to drive the 5-hours, I planned to spend an overnight in Wells Beach, Maine, about half the distance. A look around my campsite told the tale of the end of a season. Just like that, the campground emptied.

I was therefore not expecting a crowded situation at Wells Beach 2½ hours south. However, prior to my departure from this part of Maine, I had two last opportunities to be with cousins, Barb and John. The last night for dinner Monday night was:

a salad, eggplant...

...linguine and sausage. We enjoyed dessert, brownies topped with a dollop of butter pecan ice cream, in front of a roaring fire, the perfect ending to the evening.

How appropriate was the departure finale Tuesday morning for my terrific week in Maine. The last blinding sunrise over Sears Island foretold of the beautiful day I had ahead for my travels south to Wells, Maine.

But first, another and final get-together with John and Barb, this time for breakfast. I drove and parked at a nearby location where John picked me up for pancakes with fresh cut peaches in the batter topped with maple syrup at the cottage. Sitting outside on their deck overlooking Penobscot Bay was mesmerizing; it just didn't get any better than that. But alas, all too soon, off I went. Thank you Barb and John for the memories.
With a stop for fuel, two slowed sections of construction on I-95 and light traffic, I was at my next location by 2:00 p.m. Wells, where Wells Beach is located, was founded in 1643, making it one of the oldest European settlements in Maine. Its history as a tourist destination began in the mid-1800s, when seaside vacations became more popular, particularly with the rise of railroads. The campground is about a mile from the coastline and sparsely populated now that the season here is winding down.

My back-in site, 400, was a full hookup site with 30-amp electrical, water and sewer.

The view down the road at the sparsely populated area.

In front of and to the right of my site was the multi-use building housing the Welcome Center, registration, store, fitness center, mini golf, pool, laundromat and restrooms. Adjacent were the dumpster area and shuffleboard court.

My 3-hour trip to Rhode Island encountered moderate to heavy traffic on I-95 southbound. Although it was a Wednesday, the traffic was probably due to the tourists making their way south back home. One fuel stop and a stop at Stop & Shop in Narraganset made my 2:00 pm arrival just fine.

Their sign at the entrance has been changed to the correct spelling, "Fishermen's Memorial State Park."
My site Section A, 144 has just 30-amp service and water. Looks tight...

...but we snuggled ourselves in without any problems.

I can't say I didn't have privacy.

All sites around me were occupied but there was no evidence of their existence.

Less than 50 yards away was the spotless bathroom/shower facility.

And it still costs $1.50 for a 6 minute shower...2 minutes of that time is waiting for the hot water to arrive.

Nearby is the silent wind turbine erected on the State's property. Actually, depending on atmospheric conditions the occasional and rhythmic "whoosh, whoosh" or buzzing sound could be heard. Not noticeable at all. 

The already long "To Do" list will have items added to it that promise a very full and active October while Winnie sits in storage awaiting the 2025 Winter Adventure. The change in life style will be welcomed.

I was fortunate once again to have the timing of my arrival coincide with the final Sunday of the Farmers Market located in the front field of the campground. They run from May to the end of September on Sundays from 8:30 to 12;30 pm and feature local crafts and goods such as bedding plants, flowers, vegetables, fruits, honey, maple syrup, meat, and more. As the summer progresses, more vendors join with traditional local crops.

The trip from Maine to Rhode Island did give subtle hint that things are changing. Temperatures remained in the low 60's and the trees and shrubs were showing rusts and tones of brown. I wasn't going to be able to experience the peak anywhere in this northeast anytime soon. 

As for not being in the right place at the right time for the Fall Foliage, the magic of Fall’s colors is inescapable, no matter where you go. Looking at the map above, all the yellow along the eastern seaboard will be my treat as I travel south in early November.

If you followed my blogs for this 2024 season, you know how special it was. The mostly overcast, rain-threatening days didn't dampen my "last hurrah" spirits, rather it gave me time to reflect, prepare and transition to a different mindset. My stay here in Rhode Island coincided with the Thursday night landfall of hurricane, Helene, in the Big Bend of Florida. At this writing, it is a tropical storm drenching the entire southeast and Ohio Valley. I was so fortunate to have experienced just two storm events, both of which knocked out power, in my months long cross country travels.

I'd like to conclude this blog post with a link to some random shots in a 4-minute video I created to capture the season with credit to One Republic's I Lived. I present it filled with pride, thankfulness and full knowledge of how fortunate and blessed I've been to have accomplished it. Let me know if you enjoyed it. Click HERE to view it. Till we meet again, stay safe, warm and healthy. See you in November on my way south. 

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein


  1. Very nice video. The singing, music
    and scenes pulled everything together.

  2. Caro Charlie , mi puoi mandare per favore il diario dei tuoi viaggi con la traduzione in italiano ? Così ti posso seguire meglio , grazie . Io non sono esperta come te . Grazie

    1. Nella parte in alto a destra del blog dovresti vedere la parola "Traduci". Lì puoi scegliere la lingua che preferisci. Fammi sapere se funziona.

  3. Thanks for the tour of Maine. I had many, many good times visiting Maine in my days. "Bah Haba" and "Caddy" Mountain were just two highlights.
    You had one heck of a RV summer, Charlie!!!!

    1. That I did and I don't think about the ton of sites and attractions I didn't get to see; but that's not the right attitude...just an observation.

  4. I'm on. I can't believe it. No more cut-and-paste, etc. I told you there was a larger power out there. OK, gotta say, all this brings a tear to my eye. Not only were "Nine Stickers" accomplished with friends, family and solitude too but all those very unique sites you and Winnie II visited as well. Loved the video and that picture of you, third shot from last, is great and says it all on your face. Also, Charlie, you should have a "conglomeration" blog of all the exquisite sunsets you've experienced. They are so very beautiful. Well see ya soon. Hugs from me

  5. Caro Charlie ,prima mi arrivava con la traduzione ,ma da qualche settimana non avevo la possibilità di tradurre . Oggi dopo che ti ho scritto mi è comparsa la parola Traduci .Grazie un abbraccio , ora ti leggo subito in italiano

    1. Sì, sono rimasto sorpreso nel sentire che non hai ricevuto la traduzione, ma vedo che il tuo problema è stato risolto. Questo è positivo. Mi piace condividere le mie avventure con te, perché anche tu sei un viaggiatore nel tuo splendido paese. Sia con Adriana e Giorgio che in gruppo, ti godi la vita finché puoi. Resta in salute e sii felice di continuare le tue avventure. Con affetto, Charlie

  6. Wonderful Maine visit and blog for memories! Re: that shower meter, if it takes up to a max of 32 quarters per session, that would enable one (or more) to take a 32 minute shower. Do you think to maximize efficiency that might entail washing bodies, clothes, pets, bikes, dishes etc.? What was the rationale behind this? Just asking for a friend...

    1. Yes, I think for $8.00 you can optimize who and what gets what washed in that time frame. But by the looks of what's around me, I'll pass on that idea of "community" anything.

  7. Caro Charlie ho guardato il tuo video che riassume tutti i viaggi e gli stati degli U S A che tu hai visitato questa estate . Hai mantenuta la parola di quando ci siamo visti a Natale . Ti ammiro moltissimo.. Ora la cartina geografica che hai sulla fiancata del tuo camper e’ completa .Sei sicuramente orgoglioso di te stesso . A novembre incomincerai a scendere verso la Florida . Silvia e Chuck ti aspettano . Mi dispiace molto di non incontrarti a Natale ; quest’inverno per le festività saremo con i parenti di mio marito . Un bacio

    1. Grazie Adriana per le tue gentili parole. Hai sempre cose belle da dire. Sì, sono molto orgogliosa di questo traguardo, soprattutto considerando la mia età. Come hai detto, una nuova avventura inizia a novembre con il momento clou della visita a Silvia e Chuck. Mi dispiace di non vederti in questo momento, ma è altrettanto importante che tu vada a trovare la famiglia finché il tempo lo consente. Sono certa che ci saranno altre occasioni in cui potrò godere della compagnia della mia famiglia milanese. Anche tu sei una viaggiatrice incredibile. Hai realizzato a livello globale ciò che io ho realizzato a livello locale. Bene per te. Resta in salute e felice. Con affetto Charlie

  8. Testing 1-2-3. Hey Charlie, hope this goes through as I am onsite. OK, as I recall I said that this blog brings a tear to my eye. Something about it that is so special as if you are at peace with yourself, having accomplished this past summer your life's goal to bed down for at least one night in all 48! I also said the video was very interesting and the 3rd photo from the end of you was a great one! Also, I suggested a blog featuring a conglomeration of all the sunsets you've snapped through these here continental states. Looking forward to seeing you. You're the best! Hugs from the 8th
    PS/well I said something like that

    1. Ah, congratulations. Whatever you did, it worked and glad for you to have the opportunity to add your comments re: my adventures. Hope it continues as I start again in November. Meanwhile, I am very close to being back home and enjoying fine wines and conversations. Till then, take care.

  9. What a wonderful venture you planned and carried out. I’m so happy that you’re able to travel, see old friends and family, make new memories and live life to the fullest. All at your own pace. I haven’t been able to post comments on previous entries, but will get to them soon. Safe travels back, you are coming back, yes? ~vc

  10. Thank you. I've got lots to be thankful for and its nice to read what others think prompting me to do just thankful and consider myself very fortunate. I have your past blog stashed away and miss them. Your recent history, I'm sure prevents you the luxury to just sit down and write. Monumental events in your life has taken priority over individual, pleasurable pursuits. Do keep writing in mind and pursue when the opportunity presents itself.
