Wednesday, September 18, 2024

09/03 to 09/12 Hudson Islanders at CPP

 09/03 to 09/12

Hudson Islanders

Fall Rally

Croton-on-Hudson, NY

"Welcome back." Thanks. It's good to be back "home." I had another uneventful trip back from Neversink, NY and the weather and scenery along the way was true New York State beautiful. At this point in time, I've been away for 83 days completing my nine state tour and completing the achievement of sleeping in/visiting all 48 of the continental United States. My first order of business was to get back to my apartment (thank you, John) to get Caddy and take care of the pile of mail and deliveries since June.

On September 5, the Hudson Islanders once again descended on Croton Point's campground to enjoy the camaraderie, food, drink, campfires and music (thank you, Steve). Another aspect of our gatherings that continues to amaze me is the collective knowledge that is shared when help is need for all types of repairs or installations that members require for their RVs. A terrific turnout with the following 24 members in attendance:

John and Dawn
Susan and Gene
Johnny, Jr.
Tony and Doreen
Dan and Melanie
John and Martine
Roberta and Erve
Danny and Pam
Anthony and Linda
Steve and Maria

I slacked off on photos this trip but contributions by Tony and Roberta are added to mine so the flavor of the get-together was captured. I'm also creating this blog entry while sitting in Hancock, New Hampshire on my way to Searsport, Maine. I just didn't have the time to sit and 'keep track' of the activities. I loved it all and always look forward to it. By the time I returned to my RV it was after 11 p.m. and no time to record the day's events. So, here are just the highlights; short and sweet with links in RED if you're not familiar with the area.

A couple of dinners were enjoyed at the Croton Colonial Restaurant Diner

From the left around the table: Pam, Erve, Bert, Tony, Dan, Roberta, Jack, Sue, Mel, Doreen, Johnny and Dan.

Also in Croton is the Blue Pig which specializes in hand crafted, locally sourced ingredients for creamy ice cream.

Johnny found this cow to pose with. It couldn't produce milk. We couldn't decide if it was just a milk dud or an udder failure.

From the left: Steve, Johnny, Maria, Roberta, Sue, Tony, Dan, Melanie and Doreen.

Tony don't need no stinkin' popsicle sticks.

Is there no end to this man's abilities?

Meanwhile, at the campsite, the Meet and Greet on Friday and the Pot Luck Supper on Saturday (after the deluge) once again proved a success. Fun, delicious and varied as usual. Our numbers grew when visitors joined us. Gene and Susan had son, daughter and son-in-law, Vicki and George stopped by; John S, Sr, and Fishkill neighbors of Tony and Doreen stopped by as well.

Reggie, a neighbor from Fishkill and wife Holly spent the afternoon with Tony and Doreen.

Roberta, a third time grandma with Theo Thomas (7lbs., 11 oz. 22"). Congratulations.

From left: Bert, Dawn, Martine and John

Jack (in process of giving me a bouquet), Gene and Susan

Dan and Mel

Dawn and John

Then, at the end of the day, our nightly campfires welcomed the chilly nights...

...complete with music. Thank you as always, Steve.

The beverages shared during our campfires were special and plentiful. 

To toast Charlie's recent completion of visiting all 48 continental states. “Too much of anything is bad, but too much Champagne is just right.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

To reminisce about our days in Tennessee. "Moonshine, if you’re going to take a sip, might as well be bold about it.” — Unknown

And to enjoy Larry's homemade Limoncello. "Every sip of limoncello is like a ray of sunshine kissed by the Mediterranean breeze." – Anonymous

Each of the bottles were finished (on different nights) and enjoyed by all.

And each morning, it was coffee at Charlie's site 35. Always a lasting pleasant memory.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read the post. After a few days in Hancock, New Hampshire at Spacious Skies Seven Maples, I'll be in Searsport, Maine for a week. See you there. 

"The best part of camping isn’t just the outdoors, but the people you share it with."Anonymous


  1. Always a pleasure to read your blogs....nice picture of the accordion man...

    1. Thank you. Yes, Steve, a very talented fellow is always an added treat. His grandson, AJ, at 9 years old, on his way to being just as talented.

  2. So sorry I missed all the fun and friends

  3. Well Charlie, Luv it when the Hudson Islanders (what is the origin of the name and what does it mean? Hudson as in river or valley? Islanders as in Long Island? or the sports team? wha?) gather at CPP and compare summer stories of roads well taken. Yours, of course, must be the very best! But, I digress, back to your blog, we all know the highlight of the pow wow was that Dixie-cup-wooden-spoon sculpture. Now, everyone will want one! Question tho', once you make one, what do you do with it? Get a bigger Dixie cup and dig in? Or, you could frame it I guess and call it something like: " 'Maze-in,"or "What I did last summer!" Well, that's it from me. See ya in October!

  4. Yes, it incorporates both locations but some are located in FL, PA and scattered throughout New York State.

  5. Hmmm...I wonder who wrote that missive with all the queries... could it be someone with the initials SJ? Sounds suspiciously like one of her many tomes. Just sayin' Guess who LOL

  6. Warm and fuzzy campfires.
    Our annual meeting is at the Cortlandt Colonial Restaurant.
    p.s. Your cow jokes are awful!

  7. Thanks. I'm glad you liked them. I was moooo-ved that you even noticed them.
