Friday, May 3, 2024

2024 Summer Adventure


It's going to be a "Nine Sticker" Trip

As I reflected on my decade of travel with an RV, it was never a conscious goal of mine that I should visit (and sleep in) every state in the continental United States. That thought entered my mind sometime late last year as I sat staring at my decaled map of places I've been. (And, oh, the places I've been.) I guess the white blanks stared back and beckoned forlornly to have me weave their absence into the tapestry of my life's experiences. How could I refuse? I have made the coast-to-coast trip twice before. So over the next several days, the internal debate continued as I considered this monumental quest. The factors to be considered; The distances to cover, the time spent on the open road, the unpredictable weather patterns that we've encountered in the heartland—all these considerations, alongside the expenses of campgrounds, attractions, and the ever-rising cost of diesel fuel, loomed large in my thoughts. And then there's the undeniable factor of age, a reminder of the passage of time and the limitations it imposes. Nonetheless, I'm ready to turn those blank spaces on the map into vibrant memories of a journey unlike any other. The sign below hanging in Winnie says it all

With that, I jumped in and did what I love to do...plan the trip. In this "introductory" blog I'd like to share how I acclimated to living outside my tin can (Winnie) and what's in store as I strive to add Nine Stickers. Embarking on a nine-state cross-country journey in an RV, alone, is not just an adventure—it's a chance to be reminded once again of the vastness of the American landscape, to find solace in solitude, and to embrace the freedom of the open road. As usual, future blogs will chronicle the adventure state by state. The round trip will cover 7,584 miles.

Westbound Route - 21 campgrounds - Average 2 hrs/day driving - 46 days

Eastbound Route - 10 campgrounds - Average 3 hrs/day driving - 12 days

An Apartment Dweller

"So? How does it feel to be home again?" was a frequent question asked upon my return. My thoughts included feelings of satisfaction, accomplishment, reward, and comfort. There is such a thing as a "Home Sweet Home" feeling. After going through six months of mail attended to by neighbor, Diane, removing items from Winnie and settling into an "at home" routine and mindset, I found myself a very busy person.
  • I succeeded in having seven head-to-toe medical visits scheduled, as you know, a year ago;
  • My Caddy was inspected, oil changed and tires rotated;
  • I planned future summer travel from September through October that will include Maine, Rhode Island and New Hampshire;
  • I purchased a case of Chardonnay to complement my red wine collection;
  • I savored dinners with family at Half Moon Bay in Croton when Chuck and Silvia visited NYC;
  • I relished sushi dinners on seven occasions at Sakura Garden in Hastings, NY with fellow sushi lovers;
  • I derived satisfaction being with friends Tony and Jack for  lunch;
  • I appreciated get-togethers/soirees in my complex with good food, good wine and good company;
  • I had some minor repairs done on Winnie while in a nearby storage facility for the month of May;
  • A 50K mile service was performed on Winnie at Mercedes in White Plains prior to my upcoming 9-state trip in June;
  • I took delight in watching daughter, MB, begin her Bocce season with league play in Poughkeepsie at Cosimo's;
  • I found pleasure celebrating granddaughter, Sara's, 30th birthday with family and friends in Poughkeepsie at Cosimo's;

Sunsets on the Hudson continued to be a mirror to the heavens, reflecting the brilliance of the setting sun in a breathtaking display of nature's grandeur; painting the sky in a masterpiece of crimson and gold. This photo was taken from my balcony. Thank you, Diane.
April 29, 2024

Well, without getting into details that will follow, I'll wrap up this session hoping I've whetted your travel appetite.  I offer an invitation to anyone who cares, a 3-page itinerary of the trip. Email your request to I'd be happy to share it with you. Meanwhile enjoy what finally is beginning to feel like spring/summer for us local folk. Stay happy, healthy and safe till next time.

“You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis